Right on target. Money alone is not the answer. Only a part of the solution. As we have noted before, inoperability (read integrated, translatable, uniform) is a key when it comes to digital health information. Regardless if we are talking about EMR (electronic medical records), DMR (digital medical records), PHR (personal health record), DHR (digital health record), etc., the need for a common interface still exists. This site believes the place to start is with web based PHRs that can allow us to evolve into a true EMR set up . . . obi jo
Leavitt emphasizes need to implement health IT standards to make stimulus spending effective
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Mike Leavitt cautions, “Congress is considering adding money for health information technology to January’s stimulus package. Doing so could spur a critical mass of the nation’s doctors to finally enter the information age, but unless the funds are tied to standards for the interoperability of health IT systems, the expenditure could do more harm than good.” After describing HHS efforts to promote standardized Health IT systems, Leavitt concludes, “If we’re going to build a 21st-century health infrastructure, we need to do it strategically, continuing the careful work on harmonized standards that will create one nationwide, interoperable system. That’s the only way to make an investment in health IT produce value for providers and patients, and improve the quality of healthcare overall.”
read more @ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/21/AR2008122101448.html
nice post