This is just common sense. Colleges are making a smart choice to require student insurance, either under existing plan from their parents or under plans administered by the universities themselves. All colleges and universities should follow this lead . . . as should the federal government in creating an individual mandate for health insurance coverage, as we have proposed from day one in our plan . . . obi jo
Colleges, states taking steps to ensure students have health coverage
College students typically see themselves as healthy and immortal, but students are injured or become ill and the medical costs without insurance can mean starting your life saddled with debt far higher than just tuition. Most college students — 67%, according to a 2008 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office — have health coverage under a parent’s employer-based plan. That may be changing. With the increase in premiums and the loss of jobs for some parents and the insurance that comes with it, that percentage could be lower for the 2009-2010 academic year. But having insurance is sometimes non-negotiable. According to the GAO report, about 30% of colleges required students to have health insurance for the 2007-08 academic year . . .
College students should make sure they have coverage –,0,2289346.story
Standards for Student Health Insurance/Benefits Programs –