Integration, not competition!
The new federal incentives for medical records adoption are encouraging, following standards defined in recent past years for better data…
Advocating for meaningful real health reform
Use of storage media (personal computer, system of computers, web, internet accessed data, etc.) to store health information about individuals for ease of access by multiple certified users (patient, physicians, hospitals, payers, etc.)
The new federal incentives for medical records adoption are encouraging, following standards defined in recent past years for better data…
Leavitt emphasizes need to implement health IT standards to make stimulus spending effective
hrowing money to hospitals and doctors without a clear view to the technology related issues of EMR (electronic medical records)…
n short, the nation faces a health care IT chasm that is analogous to the quality chasm highlighted by the…
Everyone wants electronic medical (health) records. However, paying for them and deciding which format to use are the two major…