Waivers from Health Reform Law? Is the plan flawed?
It also adds credence to critics who warned that many employers would simply drop coverage all together forcing many into…
Advocating for meaningful real health reform
It also adds credence to critics who warned that many employers would simply drop coverage all together forcing many into…
Real health reform requires a willingness to address insurance rates head on. Anything other than this will allow a replay…
This is not the first time we have addressed this topic. However, recent events have prompted us to revisit the…
Amidst all the hype, political posturing and rankling over health reform, it seems we have come to a moment of…
It is easy to cut budgets. Not easy to cut real costs. Congress is looking for ways to pay for…
It is becoming clear from the pace of health reform initiatives in Congress, that the public, as usual is far,…
Well, the Senate Finance Committee has finally come forward with a health reform proposal. Senator Baucus (D-Montana) has done so…
There is a cadre of reformers that believe if only doctors where on salary then all would be well with…
As Democrats in Congress push forward THEIR idea of health reform it is becoming clear that the battleground will now…