QUICK POST: How Health Insurance Co-Op Might Work
This approach is one possible option which would maintain a market based system in relation to private coverage, but allow…
Advocating for meaningful real health reform
This approach is one possible option which would maintain a market based system in relation to private coverage, but allow…
Well, they at least got the number under $1 trillion, but not by much
Remember, making laws is like making sausage, it is not pretty.
As Democrats in Congress push forward THEIR idea of health reform it is becoming clear that the battleground will now…
The only sure way to lower costs is to limit services.
This is great news for the advance of electronic health records. Kudos to Louisiana Governor Jindal for embracing this step…
Well, well. It seems that utopian dreams of health care reform come at a price. One that others will appear…
This study confirms what all physicians already know - health insurers place obstacle upon obstacle in order to avoid payment…
Clearly, this administration aims to tackle all issues at once. A noble, but daunting task. The proposed changes in reimbursement…
Here's the rub. Medicare Advantage pays more to providers than traditional Medicare because they take risk in providing care to…